

Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFormation is a service that helps users model, provision, and manage their AWS infrastructure resources in a consistent, predictable, and repeatable manner. It enables the creation, modification, and deletion of a collection of resources together as a single unit, referred to as a “stack.”

Key Features / Concepts:

  1. Templates: CloudFormation uses JSON or YAML formatted templates to define the desired resources, their properties, and their relationships. These templates serve as a blueprint for creating and configuring AWS resources.

  2. Stacks: A stack is a collection of AWS resources created from a CloudFormation template. Stacks can be created, updated, or deleted as a single unit, allowing for easy management of resources.

  3. Change Sets: Change sets allow users to preview the changes that will be made to a stack before executing them. This helps to identify potential issues before they impact the environment.

  4. Nested Stacks: CloudFormation supports the creation of nested stacks, which allows users to break down complex architectures into smaller, reusable components.

Current Usage

cloudformation - current usage

The API gateway, together with the integrated Lambda functions, that exposes the endpoints for device configuration purposes are currently defined in cloudformation templates.

  • Stack name: device-config-stack
  • Template: cloudformation/ApiGatewayMaster.yaml

The template ApiGatewayMaster.yaml includes 6 nested stacks. Each defines a group of related resources. The nested stacks are

  • ApiGatewayStack: defines the REST Api Gateway
  • AuthValidationLambdaStack: defines all the resources and permissions necessary for the /AuthValidation endpoint
  • DeviceConfigLambdaStack: defines all the resources and permissions necessary for the /config endpoint
  • CalibrationPointsLambdaStack: defines all the resources and permissions necessary for the /calibration_points endpoint
  • DevicesLambdaStack: defines all the resources and permissions necessary for the /devices endpoint
  • SensorsLambdaStack: defines all the resources and permissions necessary for the /sensors endpoint