The navbar is used for switching between pages of the dashboard.
The navbar is comprised of only a single component: the Navbar component. Details of this component can be found below.
The Navbar component consists of three buttons: the map button, the notifications button, and the data button. Each button switches which page of the dashboard the user is on.
Props used:
- currentPage: A string which indicates the current page being displayed.
- The values for this are defined in the constants.js file found in src/extras; MAP, NOTIFICATIONS, and DATA. This is simply to reduce the likelihood of something like a typo.
- setPage: A function which takes an argument that is used to change the current page.
- For example, calling setPage with an argument of MAP (from the constants.js file) while on the notifications page would switch the dashboard to the map page.
Functions implemented:
- getSelected: Returns a CSS id which indicates that a given navbar element is the button for the page which the user is currently on.
- If the given navbar element is the currentPage, then it returns “navbar-element-selected”; otherwise, it returns an empty string.
Noteworthy components used:
- Clearfix: A component which is simply a clearfix implementation for floating elements.
- BellFill: A component from react-bootstrap-icons which renders a notification bell. More information here.
- PinMapFill: A component from react-bootstrap-icons which renders a map with a pin in it. More information here.
- GraphDown: A component from react-bootstrap-icons which renders a graph with a downward trend. More information here.