How to Add a Sensor
Things to consider for adding sensors.
- Calibration
- The analogRead returns the voltage which has to be calculated to the appropriate reading.
- The equation to use: input: voltage output: appropriate units
- In the calibration step, the value of the output is given.
- The constant can be calculated which will be unused in future readings.
- Testing
- The testing we have currently done was using Arduino UNO for the same sensor.
- The assumption is that we have UNO library for the same sensor and confirm the reading and voltage.
- Resolution of voltage reading
- When testing values against Arduino UNO, there is difference in mapping of input voltages Arduino Uno: 10-bit converter (return values( 0~5 volts / 1024 units )) Arduino Zero: 12-bit ADC capabilities (return values ( 0 ~ 3.3 volts/ 4095 units))
- Example
- Electric Conductivity Sensors (DFRobot)
- Equation kValue = RES2 * ECREF * compECsolution / 1000 / voltage
- Source: DFRobot Library froc EC sensor
- RES2: 820
- ECREF: 200
- compECsolution: from the buffer solution
- voltage: reading coming in the zero 2. Testing
- Testing was done to compare the readings coming from Arduino Uno, and Arduino Zero.
- Electric Conductivity Sensors (DFRobot)
This section provides an overview of how to add a defined sensor to the smart device.