Device Management Page Components
Table of contents
- Device Management Page
- DeviceManageEditSection
- DeviceManagePanel
- EditLocation
- EditName
- EditThresholds
- EditThresholdValue
- SaveChangesButton
- DeviceEditorTab
- DeviceSelection
- Notifications
Device Management Page
Device Management page contains components that helps the user to edit device name, thresholds for entities measured by buoys, buoy name, and buoy location.
Props used:
- latitude: The latitude of the selected device.
- longitude:The longitude of the selected device.
- name: The name of the buoy selected.
- colour: The selected colour for the buoy selected.
- threshold: The threshold for the selected entity of the buoy.
- value: The threshold value.
- updateDevice: Saves the changes made for the selected device.
Functions implemented:
DeviceManageEditSection is a component that displays the available buoys that are transmitting data.
Props used:
- device: Contains information of the selected buoy that contains information such as device id, latitude, longitude, colour assigned to the buoy etc.
- db: The database object.
- children: The different options provided for the user to edit in a device.
DeviceManagePanel is a component helps change the name, colour, latitude, longitude, threshold, and the message that is being sent in by the devices.
Props used:
- device: Contains information of the selected buoy that contains information such as device id, latitude, longitude, colour assigned to the buoy etc.
- children: The different options provided for the user to edit in a device.
EditLocation is a component that gets used in deviceManagePanel. This component helps in setting the latitude and longitude for the selected buoy.
Props used:
- latitude: The latitude of the selected device.
- longitude:The longitude of the selected device.
EditName is a component that gets used in deviceManagePanel. This component helps in changing the assigned name for a buoy.
Props used:
- name: the name assigned to the selected device.
EditThresholds is a component that gets used in deviceManagePanel. This component helps in changing the assigned threshold for an entity that’s being measured by the buoy.
Props used:
- thresholds: The assigned thresholds to the selected device.
- deviceId: The id assigned to the selected device.
EditThresholdValue is a component that gets used in deviceManagePanel. This component helps in assigning values to a threshold entity.
Props used:
- value: The value of threshold to the selected device.
- metric: The metric of the selected entity.
- type: The kind of entity selected.
SaveChangesButton is a component that gets used in deviceManagePanel. This component helps in saving all the changes made by the user in the deviceManagePanel.
Props used:
- updateDevice: Updates the changes made to the selected device.
DeviceEditorTab is a component that gets used in device management. This component helps in displaying all the different things that the user can edit for a device such as threshold, location colour etc.
Props used:
- allSensorIds: The ids assigned to all the sensors.
- setSelectedDevices: Sets the selected devices.
- selectedDevices: The selected devices.
- deviceList: The list of devices that were selected.
- db: The database object.
DeviceSelection is a component that gets used in device management. This component helps the user in selecting the device by selecting the buoy id.
Props used:
- allSensorIds: The ids assigned to all the sensors.
NotificationsNavbar is a component that gets used in device management. This component helps in displaying the different notification elements.
Props used:
- currentTab: The currently selected tab of the notifications.
NotificationsNavbarElement is a component that gets used in device management.
Props used:
- updateTab: Updates the notification tab on click.
- elementName: The name of the notification element.
NotificationsNavbarMobile is a component that gets used in device management.
Props used:
- currentTab: The currently selected tab of the notifications page.
NotificationsPageContent is a component that gets used in device management. This component helps in displaying the notification page.
Props used:
- content: The content that gets dispayed on the notification page.
NotificationsSensorDetails is a component that gets used in device management. This component helps in displaying the notification details of all the sensors.
Props used: No props used