DFRobot TDS Sensor Calibration

A walkthrough of the DFRobot TDS Sensor calibration procedure


Arduino Board Laptop Wires

Solution of known TDS value or electrical conductivity value

Procedure Bare Metal Arduino Zero

  1. Grab the Arduino Zero that you’re deploying to the field

  2. Connect the sensor to the Arduino board

  3. Verify that measurements are being received

    • It is recommended that you create a new task that only takes a measurement for the turbidity sensor continuously
  4. Place the sensor “probe” into the buffer solution of known TDS

  5. Wait a few minutes for the measurement to stabilize

  6. Debug the program and view the result of each measurement

  7. Once the values have stabilized, record that measurement

  8. Calculate the factor to get the current measurement to the know measurement: k-value = known / measured

  9. Write that factor into the k-value of the TDS conversion function code

  • Refer to this article for more information: https://how2electronics.com/diy-turbidity-meter-using-turbidity-sensor-arduino/

Procedure Arduino Uno

  1. Grab the Arduino Uno that you’re deploying to the field

  2. Connect the sensor to the Arduino board

  3. Follow the instructions in this article: https://wiki.dfrobot.com/Gravity__Analog_TDS_Sensor___Meter_For_Arduino_SKU__SEN0244